Beach Access
The interactive map shows the location of public and private beaches as well as their access points. Simply type in your address to find the nearest beach access and amenities. Upon navigating to an area, click on the color-coded beach and surrounding icons to see the full description. Scroll below the map for a full key describing each color and icon. The map is being updated regularly, so keep checking back for the latest information.
Areas in red include rental and vacation properties that offer exclusive beach access to guests, such as Seaside and Rosemary Beach. Check with your accommodation host for details specific to the property.
This data is not a legal representation of the features depicted; any assumption of the legal status of this data is hereby disclaimed. Features are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to mapping, surveying, or engineering standards.
Latest map update: Mar 25, 2025 11:27:35 am
Beach Access Legend
Beach Flag Warnings
We understand enjoying your time along our beaches is important and we encourage you to Beach Safely by paying attention to our surf flag warning system and following safety rules meant to protect you and our beautiful beaches. For Gulf conditions and flag updates, text “SAFETY” to 31279. Message frequency will vary. Message and data rates may apply.
Water Closed to Public
Water Activity is Prohibited, entering water could result in $500 fine
High Hazard
High Surf and/0r Strong Currents
Medium Hazard
Moderate Surf and/or Currents
Low Hazard
Calm Conditions, Exercise Caution
Stinging Marine Life
Man O’ War, Jellyfish, Stingrays